President Rashid Meets British Academics

On Monday, January 23, 2023, the President of the Republic of Iraq, Abdullatif Jamal Rashid met with the Head of the Iraqi-Britain Business Council (IBBC) ... Read More

The British University of Iraq launches

H.E. Naeem Al Aboudi, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research signs off the agreement with GOI ... Read More

The British University Of Iraq Is Launched

On 24th January, H.E Naeem Al Aboudi, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, signed the agreement to establish the British University of Iraq ... Read More

IBBC Trade Delegation meets New Iraqi Govt

The Iraq Britain Business Council (IBBC) President Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne supported by Managing Director Christophe Michels, and Board Member Haider Al Shamaa led a delegation of 20 IBBC members to Baghdad to meet the new Government of Federal Republic of Iraq ... Read More

Be You!

Discover your passion, embrace your uniqueness, design the future. 

Our launch stage is underway, and we will be ready to accept student registrations shortly. We are currently looking for academic and administrative personnel to join our team. If you are interested in partnering/working with us, please Apply Now, & Join Us.


Students will graduate with a degree from a UK University and also a degree that is recognised in Iraq. The curriculum will be UK curriculum adapted to the Iraqi environment. Teaching, learning ,assessment and the student experience will all be to UK standards and follow the requirements of the UK Higher Education system.


1. The mission of the University shall be to provide access to British high quality education and research in Iraq.

2. The University will contribute to the cultural, economic, environmental, social and technological development of Iraq by:
• fostering a culture of excellence in teaching, research, innovation and engagement; providing advanced academic and vocational programmes delivered to British standards in higher education;
• producing graduates of responsible character with the necessary knowledge and skills for professional and national leadership;
• conducting leading edge research that advances the body of understanding and contributes to the innovativeness of the Iraqi economy and the development of its private sector;
• bringing to market the products of the University's research through either technology/knowledge transfer or commercialisation.
• Supporting the public and private sector through research, consultancy and knowledge transfer. 

Founders’ Message

Investing in education is investing in the future!

Education is a transformative journey that can lead individuals to discover their true potential and contribute positively to the world. It enables individuals to acquire new skills and knowledge, broaden their horizons, and develop critical thinking abilities. Education empowers individuals to become change agents in their communities and promotes a sense of global citizenship.

Investing in education is investing in the future. By recognizing the importance of education and providing access to quality education, we can create a better world for all. Education is the key to unlocking human potential and creating a more equitable, prosperous, and sustainable world.

Commitment to sustainability

Iraq has been heavily impacted by the effects of global warming, such as drought, heatwaves, and water scarcity. The British University of Iraq's decision to build its campus on land that was previously a rubbish dump in Baghdad shows the university's commitment to sustainability and its desire to address these environmental challenges.By using sustainable methodologies and materials, the university is not only reducing its environmental impact but also helping to mitigate the effects of global warming.

Sustainable construction practices can reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to global warming.Furthermore, the university's commitment to teaching and living environmentalism on campus will help raise awareness and encourage action on environmental issues among students, staff, and the wider community. This can have a positive ripple effect in promoting sustainable practices and reducing the impact of global warming.

The British University of Iraq's efforts to promote sustainability are particularly important given the country's vulnerability to climate change. By taking a proactive approach to sustainability, the university is not only helping to mitigate the impacts of global warming but also setting an example for others to follow in promoting a more sustainable future.

What is a dual degree?

The British University of Iraq will offer its students a unique opportunity to earn a dual degree. This means that upon graduation, students will receive a degree from the British University of Iraq and a degree from a prestigious UK university.

The curriculum at the British University of Iraq is designed to meet the needs of students in Iraq, while still adhering to the high standards of the UK education system. The courses are tailored to the Iraqi environment, providing students with relevant and practical knowledge that they can apply to their future careers.

The teaching, learning, and assessment methods at the British University of Iraq are all based on the UK Higher Education system, ensuring that students receive a high-quality education that meets international standards. The faculty and staff are highly qualified and experienced, providing students with a supportive learning environment that fosters academic success.

We are proud to offer our students a dual degree that provides them with a competitive edge in the global job market. The British University of Iraq is committed to providing a world-class education that prepares students for success in the 21st century.

The UK & Iraq

Iraq has a rich history that spans millennia and is marked by remarkable achievements in the fields of education, arts, literature, and heritage. This ancient civillization has contributed significantly to human progress, including the invention of writing, the creation of the first legal code, and the development of mathematics and astronomy.

In many ways, Iraq shares a commonality with the UK and the rest of Europe in its rich history, and the importance it places on education, arts, literature, and heritage. Like many European nations, Iraq has a vast cultural heritage that spans centuries and encompasses a variety of artistic and intellectual disciplines.

However, in recent years, Iraq's cultural heritage has been neglected, and its educational system has suffered due to decades of war, economic sanctions, and political instability. This has resulted in a decline in the quality of education and has caused Iraq to fade away from the global picture with respect to its role as a leader in education within the region.

In order to reintegrate Iraq into the global arena of education, arts, literature, and heritage, it is necessary to revitalise and conserve its abundant cultural legacy through the utilisation of modern methodologies such as digitization to increase access, visibility and the global appetite for the consumption of its heritage. This will entail joint endeavours to safeguard and maintain Iraq's historical relics and landmarks, as well as to foster cultural events that highlight Iraq's distinctive cultural identity by creating robust educational establishments and a supportive environment that can lay the groundwork for the future.

The Iraqi educational system was built on the British curriculum, which proved to be very adoptable and successful during its early stages of adoption. Therefore, it makes sense to reference the British Curriculum when talking about rebuilding Iraq's education to what it was at its prime.

To achieve this goal, Iraq needs to invest in its educational system and modernise its methodologies to suit today’s market mechanisms, and to attract qualified educators and scholars from around the world to help restore its educational institutions to their former glory. 

In conclusion, Iraq's rich history and cultural heritage offer immense potential for the country to rebuild and reclaim its place on the global map in the fields of education, arts, literature, and heritage. By focusing on preserving and promoting its cultural traditions and investing in its educational system, Iraq can once again become a centre of excellence in these vital areas of human endeavour.

Life in Baghdad

Life in Baghdad has a vibrant energy and rich cultural heritage that is unique to the city. Despite the challenges it has faced in recent years, the people of Baghdad have shown resilience and a strong sense of community spirit. The city is known for its bustling markets, delicious cuisine, and vibrant music scene, and is home to many historical landmarks and museums that showcase its rich history and cultural diversity. Additionally, recent efforts to revitalise the city's public spaces and improve its infrastructure have helped create a more livable and enjoyable environment for its residents. Overall, life in Baghdad offers a rich and rewarding experience for those who call it home.

Let's Work Together!